My SSL-encrypted website gives a warning stating that “there are both secure and non secure items”, how can I fix this?


I recently had you install a SSL certificate to my site. Now when I go to I get a message stating there are both secure and non secure items and do I want to continue. If I click “yes” I lose the “lock” symbol. When I click “no” the lock remains. How do we get this message removed? Please advise.


Check all your links on the page. What this means is that you have some links (probably to images) that link to your non-ssl page.

Usually you’ll find that you’ve linked to an image or page as :


when all you really need is :


It is not illegal to specify the full URL, but when using SSL the browser will give that warning if you links/images/etc. that are linked in to your full site URL. As a side note, it is always better to link to items on your site as a reference to the root / directory and not the full URL. It makes the connection a bit quicker and it also makes it much easier if you ever need to move your site to a test domain for testing, etc (you won’t need to rewrite all the links!).

Another possible cause of the problem :

If you pull in images from a partner site, hit counter, etc. that is on a non-SSL site you will get this warning message too.

Basically, when a page is referred to via SSL the browser will demand that all the items inside the page are also SSL.

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